Driving Cross-sell Opportunities for Credit Unions
Clutch builds loan applications and recapture portals for credit unions through intelligent and highly converting user experiences.
Credit Unions
Products used
Number of employees
Results since integrating Method
in loans originated by credit union customers
decrease in loan funding time
improvement in cross-sell with better segmentation
Clutch, a state-of-the art digital lending solution for Credit Unions, faced time-consuming and expensive challenges building the infrastructure to offer, transfer and refinance consumer loan products. By working with Method, Clutch has helped Credit Unions originate over $300M in funded loan volume across 50k+ members.
Partnering with Method provides a detailed and real-time view of individual consumer debt, which allows Credit Unions to better identify cross-sell and consolidation opportunities. Clients are already seeing a lift in refinance applications, resulting in significant growth across the consumer lending business.
– Nicholas Hinrichsen, Clutch CEO
Method’s APIs: Clutch partnered with Method to provide a real-time account balance view for Credit Unions, enabling them to electronically pay-off existing debt for Credit Union members at the time of loan origination. Method’s real-time data APIs provide a comprehensive view of the consumer debt stack including what interest each consumer is paying on each of their credit lines, allowing Credit Unions to:
Provide targeted pre-qualified offers at the time of loan origination or refinancing
Better segment users
Cross-sell relevant credit products
Access accurate balances for Consolidation loans and Direct electronic payoffs
Improve Credit Union cross-sell opportunities for new loan products.
Pre-qualify members for debt consolidation and display all of the applicable loan products in an easy-to-compare user interface, based on CU rate sheets and consumer credit reports.
Benefits for Credit Unions
Real-time view of all liability for the consumer (Credit report does not give current snapshot)
Real-time balances, including funding institutions and rates
Personalized offers that often lead to higher funded loan volume
Massive ability to cross-sell a card or debt consolidation products
Benefits for Credit Union Members
Drastically reduce user loan application and funded time. Credit Union Members are prequalified for accurate offers based on the current balances on their debt stack. Additionally, can decrease the loan funding time up to 70%.
Streamlined electronic payoff and disbursement improve member experience: Allow members to transfer balances from their existing cards at other financial institutions via an easy-to-use interface that displays their live card balances.
Discover new products and offers that help users save on interests and fees by switching to financially healthy products.
North of 15% of our credit card applicants submit a refinance application. We’re already seeing the lift and we’re barely scratching the surface.
– Mia Lao, VP of Consumer Lending at Wings Financial
Statistically Speaking
Increase Conversions: Nearly 1 in 2 applicants where Method surfaced high credit card debt successfully secured pre-approved debt-consolidation or a new credit card loan product.
Automate Cross-sell Opportunities: Better segmentation & targeting improves cross-sell rates by up to 200%.
Improved remarketing: Target consumers with the right message at the right time. CU’s have been able to carefully retarget members with high credit card balances rather than “spray and pray” methods.
Reduce Operating Expenses:
Can reduce workloads up to 75% for loan officers & related staff
Disburse funds directly to existing lenders
Receive ready-to-fund applications directly in your Loan Origination System (LOS), complete with an ACH file
Pay off their existing balances electronically, often in real-time, if they complete a balance transfer request
Together, Clutch and Method are working to create the most frictionless debt consolidation and balance transfer experience that the Credit Union industry has seen.
About Clutch
Clutch builds loan applications and recapture portals for Credit Unions through intelligent and highly converting user experiences. Using integrated third party data sources, Clutch discovers debt their user’s applicants have elsewhere in real-time, resulting in an increased share of wallet for their users and thousands of dollars saved for their respective applicants. To learn more, visit withclutch.com.
About Method Financial
Method’s APIs are redefining financial connectivity with real-time, read-write, and frictionless access to all consumer liability data with integrated payment rails. Method helps lenders increase revenue by streamlining customer acquisition, improving underwriting accuracy, and increasing line utilization through balance transfers, all without the need for a consumer’s username and password. Today, Method powers solutions for over 60 fintechs, lenders, and FIs including Aven, Bilt, Upgrade, and Figure. Method is backed by a16z, Abstract Ventures, YC, Truist Ventures, and more. To learn more, visit methodfi.com.