Method for

Checkout & Loyalty

Reimagine your checkout experience and loyalty programs

Leverage effortless connectivity into your checkout or loyalty and rewards experience.

Effortlessly link cards with phone number

Connect your users' entire credit card wallet to your app in seconds—no PAN entry, no delays. Build frictionless checkout experience and loyalty programs with more cards on file.

Bilt uses Method to connect users' entire wallets to the app

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Bilt uses Method to connect users' entire wallets to the app

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Seamlessly reward users across your merchant network

Monitor transactions in real-time and see spend across channels. With full wallet visibility, reward users in real-time across multiple cards.

Enable new redemption avenues

Empower users with the ability to use accrued points as a means of paying outstanding bills and debt. Seamlessly embed bill repayment and provide more avenues to redeem points.

Bilt uses Method to effortlessly link user’s credit cards

Bilt users can now effortlessly link their existing credit cards with Method, allowing them to earn rewards on rent, dining, travel, and more. We’re thrilled to provide seamless opportunities for our users to earn rewards on their everyday purchases.

Ankur Jain


Bilt uses Method to effortlessly link user’s credit cards

Bilt users can now effortlessly link their existing credit cards with Method, allowing them to earn rewards on rent, dining, travel, and more. We’re thrilled to provide seamless opportunities for our users to earn rewards on their everyday purchases.

Ankur Jain


Checkout and rewards made effortless

Access all cards with a single connection—connect with their PII and consent. Say goodbye to manual, credential-based account linking.


Remove friction at checkout with a card linked in seconds—retrieve tokens for secure payment processing and reuse. The result? Reduce cart abandonment and increase optionality to pay.

Loyalty & Rewards

Link multiple cards with a single connection and monitor transactions in real-time and see spend across channels. The result? More rewards and drive stickiness.


Send funds instantly to any consumer bill or debt—no payoff details needed. Seamlessly embedded bill management and stay out of the flow of funds.

Embed financial connectivity in weeks, not months

Offer the right financial products and design engaging experiences while we take care of the evolving connectivity infrastructure.

Embed financial connectivity in weeks, not months

Offer the right financial products and design engaging experiences while we take care of the evolving connectivity infrastructure.