September 26, 2023

Spotlight: Spencer Joseph, Senior Account Executive

Meet Spencer, one of our Senior Account Executives at Method Financial.

Take a peek into life at Method through a candid interview with Spencer.

Spencer, we’d love to learn more about you and your role on the team. What’s an average day look like?

Absolutely! As one of the senior sales account executives at Method, my priorities revolve around creating relationships with potential customers, showcasing the value of Method, and aiming to create a long-term valued partnership for both teams.

As a start-up, we’re still pretty lean, so my days are filled with back-to-back calls — demos, fielding questions with potential clients, and deep dives into Method's solutions. It's a whirlwind juggling numerous calls and ensuring we move forward with every client. But I relish these busy days; the interest and demand solidifies our mission as a company and of course, it’s always exciting to expand our client base.

As Account Executives, we truly become partners to the customers. It’s important that we dive deep, understanding their challenges and obstacles in order to scope out their needs to help bring their vision to fruition. The exciting part of this process is knowing that it’s just the beginning – our engineering and leadership teams step in next and are just as determined to ensure success for each customer. It really speaks to how much value Method delivers, both from a product and service perspective, which makes my job extra fun and rewarding. 

What attracted you to Method?

During the interview process, I met with Mit (COO) and Jose (CEO) and realized really quickly that they're the exact type of founders and leadership that I wanted to be a part of and work with. They have a very clear idea of what they are doing, what they want to do, and how they want to execute it. I could tell they were very motivated. What attracted me to Method was being able to build, scale, and work alongside motivated and passionate co-founders.

Feature wise, I love sharing the feature where we can pull all debt and liabilities via a phone number. I know it seems very tiny but I worked at another fintech company before this where there were a lot of integrations and bottlenecks. I think it's the coolest feature that we have. And then on top of that, we have the broadest coverage. We collaborate with telecom providers and IDV providers for fraud checks, authentication, and verification. This dual layer ensures data protection and user identity validation.

What’s been a favorite memory with the team so far? 

It definitely would be the summer offsite to Mexico City. How often do you get to go on a company offsite to Mexico City? Not only was the city amazing, but this was the first time I was meeting 90% of the team. It was just really cool to meet people in person, put a face to the name outside of Zoom, and explore a new city together. Obviously, a lot more memories to come.

Here come the important questions, rapid-fire. Ready?

A cuisine or meal you cannot live without.

I'm going to do an off topic one because I feel like everyone would say Italian or pizza. I love Mexican food. I cannot live without tacos.

When you're not working, you are…

Golfing, hiking, fishing, and house renovating is my second job. Trying to be outside, hanging out with my dogs. I have two Jack Russells.

Recommend a show, movie, book.
Severance, City of God, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Go to music genre and a song on repeat?

I like classic rock. The Allman Brothers Band - Blue Sky has been on repeat my whole life.

Okay, lastly, I've always wanted to try or learn…

I've always wanted to learn a new language to the point of being fluent. I think Mexico was a big wake up call. I think that if I could have one skill, it would be to be fluent in another language, probably Spanish!

If you want to learn more about any of the roles or about the engineering culture in general, visit: